Monday, 10 December 2012

Beach Bum

This post may seem a little unseasonal to some of you, but if you are going away this winter, or if you want to save this idea until the sun comes out again, this is a great DIY! I get a lot of great deals online shopping, but sometimes the sizes aren't quite right. I had bought 3 pairs of bikini bottoms that were a little too big, and I didn't want to pay the shipping to exchange them, so I found another solution.

-too big!-

I love the 'puckered' or 'ruched' butt bikini bottoms, so transforming my own bikini was perfect! You can do this with bottoms that fit, it will just make them a little cheekier. (haha)

-bikini and thread-

Chose a thread colour that matches the bikini well! You don't want a strange coloured line down the back of your bottoms. Strong thread, or elastic thread works best.

-line to follow-

Turn the bottoms inside out and draw a dashed line down the centre with a pencil. (Rulers help!)

-simple stitch-

Starting on the inside, about an inch from the top, begin stitching. The further apart the stitches, the more 'puckered' it will be at the end.

-follow the line-

Continue stitching as far down as you want the pucker. This part takes a bit of trial and error.

-the scrunch-

Pull the thread before tying off to get the 'scrunched' effect. Again the tighter you pull it, the more 'scrunched' it will be.

-thread is less visible when they are on-

Try them on and see how you like them! The stitch can easily be taken out, and if you make a mistake you can try again. Even a non-sewer can do this!

-beach ready-

This little trick will give you a butt lift without having to do 1000 squats.


  1. what a great idea, how creative of you!

    sure is hard to imagine wearing a bathing suit when its currently -35 out right now. i bet you're looking forward to mexico, lucky bitch.

  2. Ha! I think this post is perfect! I don't think most people know this but the cheapest vacays are generally around Nov and Dec if youre going somewhere tropical. Last year, I took a cruise to Mexico and it was so warm in 70 degrees. This bathing suit is gorgeous and wouldve been perfect then. Here in Las Vegas, however, its cold as hell!

    xo, N

  3. Wow, that is a great idea!! After the holidays, I will definitely not have the problem of my bikini bottoms being too big though ;)
