Monday, 8 October 2012

Long Weekend Cleaning

Happy Thanksgiving! I decided to take advantage of this long weekend and start getting out all my winter essentials. I started by pulling out my Uggs, and I found that they were in bad shape. Normally I take great care of my shoes, but I find these suede boots are impossible to keep looking new! I treat them with protective spray, and I  don't wear them on slushy days but by the end of last winter they looked like this...

-salt stains-


This is my third pair of Uggs and they aren't cheap, so I figured I should find a way to clean them up. I've heard of people using vinegar and water but I was nervous about that because the dye on these is so dark. I used mild dish detergent (Dawn) and cold water. I dabbed the soap solution on the stained sections (not scrubbed) and left them to dry.

-waiting to dry-

You may have to repeat this process a few times because you can't tell if the stains are still there unless it is completely dry. I wouldn't say they are good as new but they are definitely good enough for another Winnipeg winter.


Make sure to treat them with protective spray once they are cleaned!

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